07 January 2013

Reading Mariechild Together: Do WHAT?

Oh, dear. I have no idea how to write about our January 7 entry in Mariechild's book, "Open Mind -- Women's Daily Inspirations for Becoming Mindful."

I have never been able to look in the mirror and say affirmations. So I decided to call someone dear to me to ask if she could write this post. She is, after all, a successful business woman and talented artist who must surely find mirror affirmations natural and easy. But when I picked up my phone, there was a text message from this very woman telling me how challenging she found today's reading. She wrote, "When I look in the mirror, all I see is flaws."

I suspect this is the plight of many of us women. Am I right?

What do you see when you look in the mirror?

Can you say affirmations?

I would love to hear from you -- start a conversation, or join one. Use the Comment box below, or email me at carold.marsh@gmail.com. Thank you.


  1. Just got my book today, and have started to " catch up. Then, I just read your blog post...today's reading I take as a challenge! At 61+ years the mirror isn't the first thing I run to in the morning...and sometimes when I do look at it, I truly wonder "who?,how?, when? And why?
    I think the challenge is to accept oneself and to love the life that has been long and interesting enough to bring us to today, and to hopefully carry us into our tomorrows. I do believe I must love myself to be able to share love with those around me.
    Thanks again for inspiring me to join you with this book!
    Hugs, Lista

  2. Lista -- how great that you took the reading as a challenge and not, as I did, as an impossible task. I love the hopefulness and spirit of that. I agree that we must love ourselves in order to love others; perhaps I will accept the mirror-affirmation challenge by reminding myself of that truth.
